
Stili Road EOOD has commenced the implementation of project „Increasing the Competitiveness of Stili Road EOOD through the introduction of energy efficiency measures”
Stili Road EOOD has commenced the implementation of project „Increasing the Competitiveness of Stili Road EOOD through the introduction of energy efficiency measures”
On 20 December 2017 Stili Road EOOD commenced the implementation of project „Increasing the Competitiveness of Stili Road EOOD through the introduction of energy efficiency measures” in its capacity as beneficiary under the procedure “Increasing energy efficiency in large enterprises” BG16RFOP002-3.002 under Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020.
The financial aid of Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" shall enable the company to make an investment by purchasing one energy efficient Asphalt Mixing Machine and two wheel front loaders that shall contribute to achieving the major objective of the project – “Investing in new energy equipment which shall ensure the competitive, sustainable and environmentally sound development of Stili Road EOOD”.
The value of project BG16RFOP002-3.002-0078 is BGN 4 247 109,00, exclusive of VAT, whereby the amount of the grant shall be up to BGN 2 123 554.50, which accounts for 50% of the total eligible expenses.
The new Asphalt Mixing Machine shall allow for the work with recycled materials and as a result 100% of the scrapped production shall be re-used in the manufacturing process. The project shall also secure the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement, thus reducing the amount of disposed waste asphalt, which is of great significance for the increase of the ecological efficiency of the installation.
The project also envisages the replacement of old front loaders with new ones. The new machines have greater loading capacities which needed for the higher production rates, yet they have lower fuel consumption and, respectively, higher added value of energy savings.
Expected results of integrating the investments included in the project into the manufacturing process:
Achieved energy savings to the amount of 8786,56 MWh/year.;
Saved CO2 emissions - 2178 t/year.;
Extending the capacities of the company – min.80%
6 March 2018