Current Projects

Municipality of Varna

Design and implementation of new construction and rehabilitation of street network, sports facilities and inter-block. space

Municipality of Dobrich

Construction, overhaul, reconstruction, rehabilitation and current repair of road and street network, road facilities, parks and elements of technical infrastructure for the needs of the Municipality of Dobrich

Municipality of Suvorovo

Overhaul and current maintenance of fourth-class road network and asphalt pavements on the territory of the municipality of Suvorovo DZZD "AQUA"

Municipality of Valchi dol

Construction, overhaul, reconstruction, rehabilitation and current repair of road and street network, road facilities, and elements of the technical infrastructure for the needs of the Municipality of Valchi Dol DZZD "DEVELOPMENT 2018"

Agency Road Infrastructure

Separate position II - Overhaul of a site: Road III-906 "Gyulovtsa - Kableshkovo - I-9 (Op. Sunny Beach - Burgas)" from km 34+100 to km 65+634 (km 65+674), with total length 31,534 km

Maintenance (preventive, current, winter and repair-restoration works in case of emergencies) of the republican roads on the territory of the northeastern region, managed by RIA


"Doubling and electrification of the railway in the section Lozarevo - Prilep - part of the project "Doubling and electrification of the railway line Karnobat - Sindel, in two separate positions  for Separate position No. 2: "Doubling and electrification of the section Lozarevo - Prilep" for Separate position No. 2: "Doubling and electrification of the section Lozarevo - Prilep"

Contract № EP-DI-1 (11155) /16.07.2020 for the site: Lot № 2 "Modernization of the railway section Kostenets - Elin Pelin from km 42 + 200 to km 62 + 400" was concluded with DZZD EURO ROAD ", With partners" VDH "AD," Inzhstroyengineering "EOOD and" Bitumina GmbH - Bulgaria "EOOD. The project is funded by OP" Transport and Transport Infrastructure "

Municipality of Аpriltsi

"Determining a contractor to carry out maintenance (preventive, ongoing and repair and restoration work in emergency situations) of the street network in populated areas on the territory of Apriltsi Municipality"

Water supply and sewerage EAD, Burgas

Separate position 4 - Reconstruction of the water supply network of the town of Obzor