
Started the rehabilitation of the LOT 4 /OPRD
Started the rehabilitation of the road connecting Sitovo Municipality and Municipality of DulovoThe first comprehensive rehabilitation of the only road connecting the municipalities of Sitovo and Dulovo in Silistra District begins today. The 29-km stretch is one of the main transport corridor used by the municipalities in Silitra District and connecting some of the main roads in the region – road ІІ-21 Ruse-Silistra, road ІІ-23 Isperih-Dulovo as well as I-7 Silistra-Shumen. Building company is “Ingstoryengineering” Ltd Varna, the company who already began working on the rehabilitation of one of the building projects in 1st stage of OPRD The price of the project is 8 097 616 leva. The road-repairs have to end in 4 months. Funds are from Operational Programme “Regional Development” (OPRD), co-financed by the European fund for regional development.
Radio Shumen, PI