
Started the rehabilitation of Lot 7
Repair of two road sections, key for Varna, started yesterday with simbolic groundbreaking.Lot7 consist of two important for northeastern Bulgaria – Road II -29 Varna-Aksakovo-Dobrich and section III-207 Shumen-Devnya-Vetrino-Vekilski.
Rehabilitation of the road is possible thanks to the financial support from the Regional Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
On the road Varna-Aksakovo-Dobrich repaired area will be 9.2km and in direction Shumen-Devnya-Vetrino-Vekilski it will be 17km.
Except road rehabilitation, the project provides cleaning and safety of roads with a new flexible pipe culverts fence, installation of new traffic signs and fences and more.
“Roads are crucial for districts of Varna, Shumen, Dobrich, as the tourist flow in the region is very intense and Dobrich-Varna route is a key transport corridor for international transport companies.”, said during the ceremony, the Vice Governor of Varna district Nikolai Nyagolov.
Building company is Ingstroyengineering Ltd-Varna, a company with established traditions in building infrastructure in the last 46 years.
The project costs 10 106 112 leva and theco-financing of ERDF is 8 675 195lv. More than 10 years the two roads haven’t been repaired.
After rehabilitation activities the logistic of the local people of 3 regions, bulgarian and international tourists and the international freight to Romania will be facilitated
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