
Started the rehabilitation of 12km section of: Road III-904 Grozdyovo-Provadia, Varna Province
Started the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Road III-904 Grozdyovo-Provadia from km 23+403 to km 29+928.99 and from km 36+205 to km 41+705.18, with total lenght of 12.026kmThe construction of the road is financed by Operational Programme "Regions in growth" 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund.
The road hasn't been renovated for the last 10 years and with the rehabilitation of the sections the traffic safety will increse, the connection between the populated places will be better which will lead to more opportunities to giving the citizens quality health care, social and educational services.
Executor of the project is Ingstroyengineering LTD