
Spanish company invests 80 million in wind farm - Suvorovo
Over 80 million Euros have been invested by a Spanish company for Wind Farm -SuvorovoThis is the first Wind Farm in Varna Region
Wind farm with a total energy output 60 MW is being constructed on the land of Suvorovo. Investor of the site is "Eolika Bulgaria AD, a joint venture of the international branch Generacion Eolika Internacional SL of the Spanish Grupo Enhol and Balkars - Consortium LTD.
Suvorovo Wind Farm is located on the landbetween the cities Suvorovo and Valchi dol and is being built after a serious preliminary study. Project plans were announced back in 2007 when the company received a certificate for first class investor. For more than two years measurements of the wind resource have been made and a database has been collected . The analysis has been verified by a specialized national Spanish center for the renewable energy CENER and the project base has been drafted. The location of the park is outside the scope of “Natura 2000”, the migratory route of overflying birds of the territory of Bulgaria and does not create a dangerous conflict with the local environment.
Suvorovo Wind Farm consists of 30 wind power units with individual 2 MW. The project envisages a construction of a road infrastructure, a substation for the needs of the park and an infrastructure for connection to the national grid.
The construction of the foundations has been assigned to Ingstroyengineering Ltd., announced from the company. All materials which are used in construction shall be a subject to a special testing and control samples in strict compliance with the requirements of Spanish designers and European standards, the company explained. Construction operations are carried out under the supervision of Construction Supervision Company Ltd., and a record has been prepared for each individual platform.
The assignment for constructing the 80-meter piles and the installation of the specific elements belongs to the Spanish company Gamesa.
The investment in the project is over 82 millions. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will finance the construction of the park with 60 millions syndicated loan for “Eolika Bulgaria", the bank said. Furthermore, the EBRD project will be funded by a loan from Black Sea Bank for Trade and Development, which delivered 22 millions more and also own funds.
Author: Silvia Tsoneva, Stroitelstvo grada