
Minister Plevneliev launched the reconstruction of Rishki Pass
Minister of Regional Development and Public work Rosen Plevneliev and president of Agency Road Infrastructure Sergei Mikhalev in the presence of Burgas Regional Governor Konstantin Gradinarov, the governor of Shumen and mayors of the Burgas, Shumen, Karnobat, Smyadovo Sungurlare launched the reconstruction of Lot 4 project of "Transit Roads V".The total L length of Lot 4 "Road ΙΙ - 73 Shumen - Karnobat" crosses the eastern “Stara Planina” mountain across Rishki passage who is a key logistical road connection between Northern and Southern Bulgaria.
The total value of the object is 23 000 585.68 euro without VAT. The funding was provided trought a loan from European Investment Bank and the republican budget.
The contractor of the construction works on the project "Road II-73-Shumen Karnobat" is an association of "Lena Engenharia e construcoes " AD (Portugal), “INGSTROYENGINEERING ” Ltd . and" Putishta Shumen "AD. Implementation period is 24 months.
The project envisages improving the characteristics of the road, his recovery operational condition to ensure safety and comfort of passengers during the strategic Rishki Pass. There is reconstruction of 23 road structures - bridges, railway overpasses, including the bridge on river "Kamchia " .
For the Settlements along the road, the project envisages rehabilitation of the adjacent sidewalks and design of entrances to private property, which will improve the appearance of the settlements.
Source:Press center “INGSTROYENGINEERING ”