
Each facility in the wind farm "Suvorovo" is over 900 tons
Each facility in Wind farm Suvorovo” is over 900 tonesThe investment in the large-scale project is expected to exceed 82 million EU
The ongoing project Wind farm “Suvorovo” will consist of altogether 30 facilities. The installation with energy power of 60 MW is being constructed in the land of Suvorovo – on the plateau located between the city and Valchi Dol. The investment in the project goes beyond 82 million EU. The project was assigned by “Eolika Bulgaria” AD along with the association from the international branch Generacion Eolika Internacional S.L. of the Spanish Grupo Enhol and “Balcars – Consortium” OOD. The company “Ingstroyengineering” EOOD Varna was chosen to implement the foundations. 80-meter posts and the very facilities, which weigh around 300 tons, will be set on every foundation during construction. Each one of the foundations is with steel and concrete construction with average surface 230 square meters.
The basis is located on preliminarily impaled in ground with special equipment piles (concrete posts) with length 9 to 15 m. For the construction of each one of the 30 building sites are used 900 tons concrete and iron. For the installing and the security of the foundations “Ingstroyengineering” EOOD uses high-quality concrete B35 and iron S500. All the materials, which are invested in the construction, are specially tested and controlled under the strict observation of the Spanish designers and European standards. The high technological discipline is compulsory – products which are not tested preliminarily or technically approved from the Spanish contractors are not permitted.
“For the construction of the wind park “Ingstroyengineering” EOOD counts on highly qualified engineer and technical team of proven specialists. People with long experience in the field of construction work for the company.” – says Mr. Vladimir Vladimirov, chief engineer of the company. He also claims that there is a program, which allows every year for 30 percent of the workers to pass a qualification course. The wind generators are constructed by using a modern total station equipped with GPS system. A contemporary laboratory conducts the analysis of the basic types of works – ground, concrete and reinforcement. For the roads the company counts on tighting and vibrating high-technology steam-rollers and for the construction of the foundations - cranes with high elevation 200 tons. 1200-ton cranes also are put into usage during the installation of the elements. Special impaling machines deal with the putting the piles into the ground.
The construction works are conducted under the supervision of “Construction supervision company” OOD as individual file is formed for every building site. The preservation of the ecological environment, safety labor and quality of work are strictly observed. The Spanish company “Gamesa” builds the 80-meter posts and deals with the installation of the specific elements.
Wind farm “Suvorovo” is the second large project for wind energy in Bulgaria, supported by the European Bank for rehabilitation and development. It will finance the building of the park with 60 million EU loan for “Eolica Bulgaria” AD. The project will also be financially supported by a loan from the Blacksea Bank for Trade and Development, which has provided another 22 million EU. Personal investments are also made.
The construction of the wind park has started after a serious preliminary research. Two years in advance in the plateau were installed masts, facilitated with computer system observing the quantity, strength and direction of the wind. The results were analyzed by a computer and then used by the Spanish designers, which consider the date for the specific foundations.
The project is also involved in the construction of roads, substation for the needs of the park and infrastructure for connecting with the national energy net.
Doroteya Stoyanova,
"Stroitelstvo imoti"